Concepts in Need of Work

A parent page for all things Timing related

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Aspect of connection created through pressure, important for “steering” the follower.


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Also sometimes referred to as "critical timing".

The idea behind the rolling count is that between the beats (1-2-3-4...) we can imagine smaller "subcounts" that are typically called "and" and "ah", and associate certain actions with them (see below).

The counting then becomes 1-and-ah-2-and-ah-3-and-ah-4...

The exact timing of "and" and "ah" depends on the music...

Resisted release refers maintaining tension while extending or compressing the arm (eccentric contraction of the arm muscles).


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Concept Voting Activity

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Fridge: rooms have a very small fridge

Floor Size (estimate from Monterey Swing Fest  2025): 46x78 or 3588 sq ft

Microwave: No microwave in the room. But there is one shared microwave in the hotel lobby. I've heard it might be possible to request one for your room, but the supply is limited.

Floor Size (estimate from MSFMonterey Swing Fest 2025): 46x78 or 3588 sq ft

Floor Size (estimate from MSF 2025): 46x78 or 3588 sq ft

Hyatt Regency Monterey

Floor Size (estimate from Monterey Swing Fest 2025): 46x78 or 3588 sq ft

Microwave: No microwave in the room. But there is one shared microwave in the hotel lobby. I've heard it might be possible to request one for your room, but the supply is limited.

Fridge: rooms have a very small fridge

Floor Size (estimate from Boogie by the Bay 2024): 90x60 = 5400sq ft


Location: Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport  (same as Swingtacular )


Microwave: there is one on the atrium floor

Fridges: rooms have "drink coolers" by default (which don't go as cold as normal fridges). You can request an actual fridge, but there is a limited supply of those

Room transfer (for room reserved at an event rate)

  • Don't cancel, because it'll no longer go back to the block and the rate will be lost
  • Instead add new person to reservation, then have them switch the billing info to theirs through that same reservation management page, I think (y'all will have to figure out what way makes you most comfortable to do that)
  • Remove yourself from reservation
  • Why: I've been told the hotel "doesn't like it" when you try to go through them to switch the reservation, hence this quiet way of doing it.



Microwave: there is one on the atrium floor

Fridges: rooms have "drink coolers" by default (which don't go as cold as normal fridges). You can request an actual fridge, but there is a limited supply of those

Room transfer (for room reserved at an event rate)

  • Don't cancel, because it'll no longer go back to the block and the rate will be lost
  • Instead add new person to reservation, then have them switch the billing info to theirs through that same reservation management page, I think (y'all will have to figure out what way makes you most comfortable to do that)
  • Remove yourself from reservation
  • Why: I've been told the hotel "doesn't like it" when you try to go through them to switch the reservation, hence this quiet way of doing it.


Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport 

Floor Size (estimate from Boogie by the Bay 2024): 90x60 = 5400sq ft


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Parent tag for location pages


Parent tag for location pages

The original location for Mission City Swing before it moved to Russian Center of San Francisco 

Floor Size (estimate):  29x46 or 1334 sq ft 

The original location for Mission City Swing before it moved

The current location for Mission City Swing 

Dance Floor Size (estimate): 52x56 feet of floor space - about 2912 sq ft